Thursday, April 19, 2018

Two Laser Quests in One Oklahoma Afternoon

While in Tulsa you absolutely MUST stop by the Laser Quest. I’m so glad that I did! First of all, at 10,000 square feet this is the second largest Laser Quest right behind the one in Mississauga, ON, Canada (which would make it the largest in the United States). Second, there is a really phenomenal staff here. In fact, I got the chance to play with two of them, which was a great time and an unusual game.

I called ahead and talked with manager Kadrian who hooked me up with an awesome souvenir that is apparently normally reserved for the staff (but they ordered a few too many, which worked to my benefit).

We chatted a bit about where I had been traveling and how my end goal is hopefully going to land me at a Laser Quest in Texas, for which she gave me some great feedback and a contact person’s name while simultaneously making sure I was properly registered for LQ Arena. I’m very appreciative of her interest and support. I’m also really glad that she gave a couple of her staff members permission to do something they aren’t usually able to do…play hard against a customer. :)

Rather than go in with the kids party that was already at the site (I’m no birthday basher) I instead got to play a smaller, but way better game against marshalls Caffyqueen asnd Drumstyk. While vesting up Caffy asked me if I was an employee of Quest. That was the only thing she could figure because they would normally not be allowed to play full out, yet had been given the go ahead to do so with me. I said no, that I just play a lot of laser tag and we went in for a game that was quite good considering the small group. I give kudos to them both. I was holding the lead until the final couple of minutes where Drumstyk and I flip-flopped shots a couple of times. The final score was really close and came down to just one shot (in his favor), but let me tell you I didn’t mind at all because that was what made it a lot of fun! Thank you for giving me a good game!

This was a memorable experience at Laser Quest Tulsa.

I had decided a short time later that I was going to head to Oklahoma City (see my last blog entry for more on that) and there was really only one shot for me to get in a game at the OKC Laser Quest between my other tag visits in the area. I had called ahead and been told there was a group of people confirmed for a game at 5:40, but no other reservations for the rest of the evening (as this was a Sunday and they would be closing shortly after that). Well, I drove into the parking lot at 5:42 and ran into the center asking if I could still get into the 5:40 game. The game masters sent me right in as the game had only just begun and I took as few people by surprise as this was a team game and I seemingly appeared out of nowhere. :)

This location was very cool and a little different from some of the other Laser Quests I have been to. This arena had a space crater theme and a distinctive look. Where I expected to find towers I instead discovered unusual nooks and crannies as a meandered through the fog. It was a smaller game with only eight players divided into two teams. When we exited the arena the green team noted that my score was higher than the total of their team, so I guess I didn’t lose much by entering the game late. I am appreciative that I got to play with this group and check out this arena before the afternoon was over. I am also glad that I got to take home a slightly more vintage magnet from this site. Boy, I wish I had been collecting these sooner!

So two Laser Quests in Oklahoma made for one really great afternoon in the sooner state. Lots of fun for sure!

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