Friday, August 23, 2024

Tagging with my Teammates…with a Tribute to Sandra Bullock

I was excited to reunite with Kassidy and Chris (Woz and Cookie) and tag together again. It has been about a month and a half since we played together at Armageddon and we had planned to meet up at Grand Island Fun Center as I was passing through the area on my way back home from my weekend adventures. Tagging with friends was the best part of this experience.

We had expected to play using the iCOMBAT Barracuda based on photos and Kassidy’s last visit, but as we walked into the outdoor arena we passed a car with a familiar utility box in the back and I told Kassidy it looked like we’d be playing Battle Company instead. Turns out the car is the red base.

They have indeed changed systems and are currently running Battle Company, so we shifted gears and got ready to tag with the gear we had played most recently. However, at this site they are not using head sensors, which changes the way you tag considerably when the only sensors to hit are the ones on the tagger. The only benefit to that was that it didn’t mess up our hair for pic…see, there’s always a silver lining!

This outdoor arena was small, but had multiple “buildings” to tag in and around.

We had a great time playing together, but it is unfortunate this center opted to only run team games. We asked for free-for-all and were told they could not do that. Of course we all know that this is a choice, not a limitation of the system, but what it meant to a three person game was that there was no way we could really play an even game. Maybe we should have enlisted this guy to balance the teams, lol.

My favorite part of the game was playing with the tagger that had been assigned the codename “Sandra Bullock”. They were not using CallSign, so I didn’t get to play as Tiviachick, but in lieu of that, playing as “Sandra Bullock” was kind of fun! :)

This was a nice way to spend some time with friends.

And following it up with some sushi was the perfect end to this weekend tag trip!

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