Sunday, October 15, 2017

Something Different

Family Fun Center of Tukwila may have been the second Family Fun Center I had played in two days, but to the best of my memory they were the first site I have ever visited with this particular generation of the Lasertron equipment.

I must admit, I’m really sure which version of Lasertron had these tinted plastic covers. Typically I see a clear cover target on the front of the pack. But the great thing about writing a blog like this is inevitably someone out there sees it and emails to educate me when I am not certain about something with the game or the equipment, so I do invite anyone who knows to clarify for me which generation of Lasertron this is. For now we’ll just call it “generation fun”.

That may also shed light on some of the differences inside this arena. It had a slightly different look with the vapor lock lettering and the recharge station affixed higher on a side wall, not where I would have expected it.

I played a very light game of Tron at this site, which was fine with me because it was getting a little later into the evening and I was  getting as bit tired. This was after all my 24th laser tag arena of the trip at this point. And I was wanting to settle in to the hotel to prepare for my flight to Alaska the next day. However, one of the game masters asked me if I had played the laser tag site just down the road and I said no, I didn’t realize there was another site in town. She referred me to Virtual Sports and I called ahead. It turns out this would be well worth my time to push forward for one more tag experience in Washington. So with that I said goodbye to the Family Fun Center and hello tactical!


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